National Milling Corporation Limited (NAMILCO)

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Explore our highly sought-after products that consistently delight palates and ignite the potential of Zambian livestock farming.


Explore our highly sought-after products that consistently delight palates and ignite the potential of Zambian livestock farming.

Poultry Feeds

Explore our highly sought-after products that consistently delight palates and ignite the potential of Zambian livestock farming.

84 1
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles01 to 13 days0.6kg per bird50kg646
Special Broiler Grower Pellets14 to 27 days1.25kg per bird50kg611
Special Broiler Finisher Pellets28 days to slaughter1.25kg per bird50kg601
Special Broiler Grower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg592
Special Broiler Finisher Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg555
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles 0 to 3 Weeks0.5kg50kg646
Pullet Starter Mash4 to 8 Weeks1.5kg50kg566
Pullet Grower Mash9 to 15 Weeks2.5kg50kg541
Pullet Developer / Prelay Mash16 to 19 WeekS2.5kg50kg501
Pullet Grower/Developer Conc.40%:60% (2 bags maize, 3 bags conc)50kg480
Layer 17 (above 80% prod).Mash20 Weeks to End100 - 125gr/ bird/day50kg511
Layer Concentrate Phase 1 Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg474
Pig Creep/Starter Mash50kg506
Pig Creep/Starter PelletsPellets50kg511
Pig Grower Mash83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg496
Pig Grower Pellets83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg498
Lactating Sow Mash2.5kg post farrow to 7kg/sow max.50kg496
Dry Sow & Boar Mash2.5kg per day per dry sow and boar50kg491
Pig Gower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg535
Lactating Sow & Boar Concentrate 40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg522
Calf Starter Mash50kg446
Calf Starter Pellets50kg448
Dairy 19 Mash (500gms per litre milk)50kg431
Dairy 19 Pellets(500gms per litre milk)50kg433
Dairy Concentrate Mash(50kg Conc,30kg Wheat Bran, 20kg Maize Bran)50kg499
FishFish Start to End Weight (grams)Feed per Fish(gr)
Namfeeds Fish Fry Mash 48%CP0 - 0.350.310kg 307
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 1 48%CP0.35 - 2.5210kg 307
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 2 48%CP2.5 - 10710kg 307
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 3 48%CP10 to 251225kg 760
Namfeeds Fish Grower 2.0mm 35%CP25 to 602525kg 518
Namfeeds Fish Grower 3.0mm 32%CP60 to 20020025kg 468
Namfeeds Fish Grower 4.5mm 30%CP200 to 40027525kg 468
Namfeeds Fish Brood 4.5mm 35%CP200 onwards(feed twice daily)25kg 583
Green PondDaily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Namfeeds Pond 2.0mm 25% CP4.4 to 4.125kg 420
Namfeeds Pond 3.0mm 25% CP4.1 to 3.525kg 418
Namfeeds Pond 4.5mm 25% CP3.5 to 1.925kg 413
CatfishFish Start to End Weight (grams)Daily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Catfish Grower 2.0mm 40% CP10 to 505.025kg 663
Catfish Grower 3.0mm 40% CP50 to 2504.025kg 530
Catfish Grower 4.5mm 35% CP250 to 1000+3.0 to 1.225kg 476
CrocodileMixing mash% with water%Weekly feed rate as % of bodywgt/week
Namfeeds Croc PreStart Crumb 52%CP70% mash with 75% water (3 times/day)25 to 3025kg 704
Namfeeds Croc Starter Mash 45%CP40 with 60 (2-3 times/day)25 to 2525kg 618
Namfeeds Croc Grower Mash 42%CP60 with 80 (1-2 times/day)12 to 1625kg 588
Namfeeds Croc Finisher mash 40%CP60 with 80 (1 times /day)12 to 1625kg 579
Disinfectants & Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional Supplements BIMEDADirections for usePrice (K)
Aminovital 1 LitrePoultry tonic - Vitamins, Amino Acids,Minerals 341
Aminovital 250ml* 1 Teaspoon (4ml) per 20 litres water.5-10 days 101
Aminovital 120ml*See directions for use on pack 51
Nutravit 100gr 51
Bimeda Chick Formula 120gr*See directions for use on pack 51
Disinfectants BIMEDA
Bimakleen 250mlSurface, dip,aerial spray,drinking water 91
Bimakleen 500mldisinfectant - Viral Kill 166
Bimakleen 1 Litre*See directions for use on pack 251
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles01 to 13 days0.6kg per bird50kg641
Special Broiler Grower Pellets14 to 27 days1.25kg per bird50kg606
Special Broiler Finisher Pellets28 days to slaughter1.25kg per bird50kg596
Special Broiler Grower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg587
Special Broiler Finisher Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg550
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles 0 to 3 Weeks0.5kg50kg641
Pullet Starter Mash4 to 8 Weeks1.5kg50kg561
Pullet Grower Mash9 to 15 Weeks2.5kg50kg536
Pullet Developer / Prelay Mash16 to 19 WeekS2.5kg50kg496
Pullet Grower/Developer Conc.40%:60% (2 bags maize, 3 bags conc)50kg475
Layer 17 (above 80% prod).Mash20 Weeks to End100 - 125gr/ bird/day50kg506
Layer Concentrate Phase 1 Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg469
Pig Creep/Starter Mash50kg501
Pig Creep/Starter PelletsPellets50kg506
Pig Grower Mash83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg491
Pig Grower Pellets83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg493
Lactating Sow Mash2.5kg post farrow to 7kg/sow max.50kg491
Dry Sow & Boar Mash2.5kg per day per dry sow and boar50kg486
Pig Gower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg530
Lactating Sow & Boar Concentrate 40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg517
Calf Starter Mash50kg441
Calf Starter Pellets50kg443
Dairy 19 Mash (500gms per litre milk)50kg426
Dairy 19 Pellets(500gms per litre milk)50kg428
Dairy Concentrate Mash(50kg Conc,30kg Wheat Bran, 20kg Maize Bran)50kg494
FishFish Start to End Weight (grams)Feed per Fish(gr)
Namfeeds Fish Fry Mash 48%CP0 - 0.350.310kg 305
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 1 48%CP0.35 - 2.5210kg 305
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 2 48%CP2.5 - 10710kg 305
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 3 48%CP10 to 251225kg 758
Namfeeds Fish Grower 2.0mm 35%CP25 to 602525kg 516
Namfeeds Fish Grower 3.0mm 32%CP60 to 20020025kg 466
Namfeeds Fish Grower 4.5mm 30%CP200 to 40027525kg 466
Namfeeds Fish Brood 4.5mm 35%CP200 onwards(feed twice daily)25kg 581
Green PondDaily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Namfeeds Pond 2.0mm 25% CP4.4 to 4.125kg 418
Namfeeds Pond 3.0mm 25% CP4.1 to 3.525kg 416
Namfeeds Pond 4.5mm 25% CP3.5 to 1.925kg 411
CatfishFish Start to End Weight (grams)Daily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Catfish Grower 2.0mm 40% CP10 to 505.025kg 661
Catfish Grower 3.0mm 40% CP50 to 2504.025kg 528
Catfish Grower 4.5mm 35% CP250 to 1000+3.0 to 1.225kg 474
CrocodileMixing mash% with water%Weekly feed rate as % of bodywgt/week
Namfeeds Croc PreStart Crumb 52%CP70% mash with 75% water (3 times/day)25 to 3025kg 702
Namfeeds Croc Starter Mash 45%CP40 with 60 (2-3 times/day)25 to 2525kg 616
Namfeeds Croc Grower Mash 42%CP60 with 80 (1-2 times/day)12 to 1625kg 586
Namfeeds Croc Finisher mash 40%CP60 with 80 (1 times /day)12 to 1625kg 577
Disinfectants & Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional Supplements BIMEDADirections for usePrice (K)
Aminovital 1 LitrePoultry tonic - Vitamins, Amino Acids,Minerals 341
Aminovital 250ml* 1 Teaspoon (4ml) per 20 litres water.5-10 days 101
Aminovital 120ml*See directions for use on pack 51
Nutravit 100gr 51
Bimeda Chick Formula 120gr*See directions for use on pack 51
Disinfectants BIMEDA
Bimakleen 250mlSurface, dip,aerial spray,drinking water 91
Bimakleen 500mldisinfectant - Viral Kill 166
Bimakleen 1 Litre*See directions for use on pack 251
116 1
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles01 to 13 days0.6kg per bird50kg650
Special Broiler Grower Pellets14 to 27 days1.25kg per bird50kg615
Special Broiler Finisher Pellets28 days to slaughter1.25kg per bird50kg605
Special Broiler Grower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg596
Special Broiler Finisher Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg559
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles 0 to 3 Weeks0.5kg50kg650
Pullet Starter Mash4 to 8 Weeks1.5kg50kg570
Pullet Grower Mash9 to 15 Weeks2.5kg50kg545
Pullet Developer / Prelay Mash16 to 19 WeekS2.5kg50kg505
Pullet Grower/Developer Conc.40%:60% (2 bags maize, 3 bags conc)50kg484
Layer 17 (above 80% prod).Mash20 Weeks to End100 - 125gr/ bird/day50kg515
Layer Concentrate Phase 1 Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg478
Pig Creep/Starter Mash50kg510
Pig Creep/Starter PelletsPellets50kg515
Pig Grower Mash83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg500
Pig Grower Pellets83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg502
Lactating Sow Mash2.5kg post farrow to 7kg/sow max.50kg500
Dry Sow & Boar Mash2.5kg per day per dry sow and boar50kg495
Pig Gower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg539
Lactating Sow & Boar Concentrate 40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg526
Calf Starter Mash50kg450
Calf Starter Pellets50kg452
Dairy 19 Mash (500gms per litre milk)50kg435
Dairy 19 Pellets(500gms per litre milk)50kg437
Dairy Concentrate Mash(50kg Conc,30kg Wheat Bran, 20kg Maize Bran)50kg503
FishFish Start to End Weight (grams)Feed per Fish(gr)
Namfeeds Fish Fry Mash 48%CP0 - 0.350.310kg 309
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 1 48%CP0.35 - 2.5210kg 309
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 2 48%CP2.5 - 10710kg 309
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 3 48%CP10 to 251225kg 762
Namfeeds Fish Grower 2.0mm 35%CP25 to 602525kg 520
Namfeeds Fish Grower 3.0mm 32%CP60 to 20020025kg 470
Namfeeds Fish Grower 4.5mm 30%CP200 to 40027525kg 470
Namfeeds Fish Brood 4.5mm 35%CP200 onwards(feed twice daily)25kg 585
Green PondDaily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Namfeeds Pond 2.0mm 25% CP4.4 to 4.125kg 422
Namfeeds Pond 3.0mm 25% CP4.1 to 3.525kg 420
Namfeeds Pond 4.5mm 25% CP3.5 to 1.925kg 415
CatfishFish Start to End Weight (grams)Daily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Catfish Grower 2.0mm 40% CP10 to 505.025kg 665
Catfish Grower 3.0mm 40% CP50 to 2504.025kg 532
Catfish Grower 4.5mm 35% CP250 to 1000+3.0 to 1.225kg 478
CrocodileMixing mash% with water%Weekly feed rate as % of bodywgt/week
Namfeeds Croc PreStart Crumb 52%CP70% mash with 75% water (3 times/day)25 to 3025kg 706
Namfeeds Croc Starter Mash 45%CP40 with 60 (2-3 times/day)25 to 2525kg 620
Namfeeds Croc Grower Mash 42%CP60 with 80 (1-2 times/day)12 to 1625kg 590
Namfeeds Croc Finisher mash 40%CP60 with 80 (1 times /day)12 to 1625kg 581
Disinfectants & Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional Supplements BIMEDADirections for usePrice (K)
Aminovital 1 LitrePoultry tonic - Vitamins, Amino Acids,Minerals 341
Aminovital 250ml* 1 Teaspoon (4ml) per 20 litres water.5-10 days 101
Aminovital 120ml*See directions for use on pack 51
Nutravit 100gr 51
Bimeda Chick Formula 120gr*See directions for use on pack 51
Disinfectants BIMEDA
Bimakleen 250mlSurface, dip,aerial spray,drinking water 91
Bimakleen 500mldisinfectant - Viral Kill166
Bimakleen 1 Litre*See directions for use on pack 251
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles01 to 13 days0.6kg per bird50kg699
Special Broiler Grower Pellets14 to 27 days1.25kg per bird50kg664
Special Broiler Finisher Pellets28 days to slaughter1.25kg per bird50kg654
Special Broiler Grower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg645
Special Broiler Finisher Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg608
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles 0 to 3 Weeks0.5kg50kg699
Pullet Starter Mash4 to 8 Weeks1.5kg50kg619
Pullet Grower Mash9 to 15 Weeks2.5kg50kg594
Pullet Developer / Prelay Mash16 to 19 WeekS2.5kg50kg554
Pullet Grower/Developer Conc.40%:60% (2 bags maize, 3 bags conc)50kg533
Layer 17 (above 80% prod).Mash20 Weeks to End100 - 125gr/ bird/day50kg564
Layer Concentrate Phase 1 Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg527
Pig Creep/Starter Mash50kg559
Pig Creep/Starter PelletsPellets50kg564
Pig Grower Mash83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg549
Pig Grower Pellets83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg551
Lactating Sow Mash2.5kg post farrow to 7kg/sow max.50kg549
Dry Sow & Boar Mash2.5kg per day per dry sow and boar50kg544
Pig Gower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg588
Lactating Sow & Boar Concentrate 40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg575
Calf Starter Mash50kg499
Calf Starter Pellets50kg501
Dairy 19 Mash (500gms per litre milk)50kg484
Dairy 19 Pellets(500gms per litre milk)50kg486
Dairy Concentrate Mash(50kg Conc,30kg Wheat Bran, 20kg Maize Bran)50kg552
FishFish Start to End Weight (grams)Feed per Fish(gr)
Namfeeds Fish Fry Mash 48%CP0 - 0.350.310kg 334
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 1 48%CP0.35 - 2.5210kg 334
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 2 48%CP2.5 - 10710kg 334
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 3 48%CP10 to 251225kg 787
Namfeeds Fish Grower 2.0mm 35%CP25 to 602525kg 545
Namfeeds Fish Grower 3.0mm 32%CP60 to 20020025kg 495
Namfeeds Fish Grower 4.5mm 30%CP200 to 40027525kg 495
Namfeeds Fish Brood 4.5mm 35%CP200 onwards(feed twice daily)25kg 610
Green PondDaily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Namfeeds Pond 2.0mm 25% CP4.4 to 4.125kg 447
Namfeeds Pond 3.0mm 25% CP4.1 to 3.525kg 445
Namfeeds Pond 4.5mm 25% CP3.5 to 1.925kg 440
CatfishFish Start to End Weight (grams)Daily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Catfish Grower 2.0mm 40% CP10 to 505.025kg 690
Catfish Grower 3.0mm 40% CP50 to 2504.025kg 557
Catfish Grower 4.5mm 35% CP250 to 1000+3.0 to 1.225kg 503
CrocodileMixing mash% with water%Weekly feed rate as % of bodywgt/week
Namfeeds Croc PreStart Crumb 52%CP70% mash with 75% water (3 times/day)25 to 3025kg 731
Namfeeds Croc Starter Mash 45%CP40 with 60 (2-3 times/day)25 to 2525kg 645
Namfeeds Croc Grower Mash 42%CP60 with 80 (1-2 times/day)12 to 1625kg 615
Namfeeds Croc Finisher mash 40%CP60 with 80 (1 times /day)12 to 1625kg 606
Disinfectants & Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional Supplements BIMEDADirections for usePrice (K)
Aminovital 1 LitrePoultry tonic - Vitamins, Amino Acids,Minerals 342
Aminovital 250ml* 1 Teaspoon (4ml) per 20 litres water.5-10 days 102
Aminovital 120ml*See directions for use on pack 52
Nutravit 100gr 52
Bimeda Chick Formula 120gr*See directions for use on pack 52
Disinfectants BIMEDA
Bimakleen 250mlSurface, dip,aerial spray,drinking water 92
Bimakleen 500mldisinfectant - Viral Kill 167
Bimakleen 1 Litre*See directions for use on pack 252
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles01 to 13 days0.6kg per bird50kg635 625
Special Broiler Grower Pellets14 to 27 days1.25kg per bird50kg600 590
Special Broiler Finisher Pellets28 days to slaughter1.25kg per bird50kg590 580
Special Broiler Grower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg581 571
Special Broiler Finisher Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg544 534
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles 0 to 3 Weeks0.5kg50kg635 625
Pullet Starter Mash4 to 8 Weeks1.5kg50kg555 545
Pullet Grower Mash9 to 15 Weeks2.5kg50kg530 520
Pullet Developer / Prelay Mash16 to 19 WeekS2.5kg50kg490 480
Pullet Grower/Developer Conc. Mash40%:60% (2 bags maize, 3 bags conc)50kg469 459
Layer 17 (above 80% prod).Mash20 Weeks to End100g - 125g per bird/day50kg500 490
Layer Concentrate Phase 1 Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg463 453
Pig Creep/Starter Mash50kg495 485
Pig Creep/Starter PelletsPellets50kg500 490
Pig Grower Mash83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg485 475
Pig Grower Pellets83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg487 477
Lactating Sow Mash2.5kg post farrowing to 7kg/sow at full milk prod.50kg485 475
Dry Sow & Boar Mash2.5kg per day per dry sow and boar50kg480 470
Pig Gower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg524 514
Lactating Sow & Boar Concentrate40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg511 501
Calf Starter Mash50kg435 425
Calf Starter Pellets50kg437 427
Dairy 19 Mash (500gms per litre milk)50kg420 410
Dairy 19 Pellets(500gms per litre milk)50kg422 412
Dairy Concentrate Mash(50kg Conc,30kg Wheat Bran, 20kg Maize Bran)50kg488 478
COBB 500
COBB 500 Starter Crumble50kg 489
COBB 500 Grower Mash50kg 423
COBB 500 Pre Breeder Mash50kg 448
COBB 500 Breeder Layer Mash50kg 458
COBB 500 Male Mash50kg 410
Hyline Starter Crumble50kg 501
Hyline Grower Mash50kg 451
Hyline Developer Mash50kg 438
Hyline Pre Layer/Pre Breeder Mash50kg 448
Hyline Layer Mash50kg 458
Fish TilapiaFish Start to End Weight (grams)Total Feed per Fish(gr)
Namfeeds Fish Fry Mash 48%CP0 - 0.350.310kg 302 292
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 1 48%CP0.35 - 2.5210kg 302 292
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 2 48%CP2.5 - 10710kg 302 292
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 3 48%CP10 to 251225kg 755 745
Namfeeds Fish Grower 2.0mm 35%CP25 to 602525kg 513 503
Namfeeds Fish Grower 3.0mm 32%CP60 to 20020025kg 463 453
Namfeeds Fish Grower 4.5mm 30%CP200 to 40027525kg 463 453
Namfeeds Fish Broodstock 4.5mm 35%CP200 onwards(feed twice daily)25kg 578 568
Green PondDaily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Namfeeds Pond 2.0mm 25% CP25 to 604.4 to 4.125kg 415 405
Namfeeds Pond 3.0mm 25% CP60 to 2004.1 to 3.525kg 413 403
Namfeeds Pond 4.5mm 25% CP200 to 5003.5 to 1.925kg 408 398
CatfishFish Start to End Weight (grams)Daily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Catfish Grower 2.0mm 40% CP10 to 505.025kg 658 648
Catfish Grower 3.0mm 40% CP50 to 2504.025kg 525 515
Catfish Grower 4.5mm 35% CP250 to 1000+3.0 to 1.225kg 471 461
CrocodileMixing mash% with water%Weekly feed rate as % of bodywgt/week
Namfeeds Croc PreStart Crumb 52%CP70% mash with 75% water (3 times/day)25 to 3025kg 699 689
Namfeeds Croc Starter Mash 45%CP40 with 60 (2-3 times/day)25 to 2525kg 613 603
Namfeeds Croc Grower Mash 42%CP60 with 80 (1-2 times/day)12 to 1625kg 583 573
Namfeeds Croc Finisher mash 40%CP60 with 80 (1 times /day)12 to 1625kg 574 564
Disinfectants & Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional Supplements BIMEDADirections for usePrice (K)
Aminovital 1 LitrePoultry tonic - Vitamins, Amino Acids,Minerals 340
Aminovital 250ml* 1 Teaspoon (4ml) per 20 litres water.5-10 days 100
Aminovital 120ml*See directions for use on pack 50
Nutravit 100gr 50
Bimeda Chick Formula 120gr*See directions for use on pack 50
Disinfectants BIMEDA
Bimakleen 250mlSurface, dip,aerial spray,drinking water 90
Bimakleen 500mldisinfectant - Viral Kill 165
Bimakleen 1 Litre*See directions for use on pack 250
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles01 to 13 days0.6kg per bird50kg539
Special Broiler Grower Pellets14 to 27 days1.25kg per bird50kg533
Special Broiler Finisher Pellets28 days to slaughter1.25kg per bird50kg525
Special Broiler Grower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg561
Special Broiler Finisher Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg531
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles 0 to 3 Weeks0.5kg50kg539
Pullet Starter Mash4 to 8 Weeks1.5kg50kg512
Pullet Grower Mash9 to 15 Weeks2.5kg50kg482
Pullet Developer / Prelay Mash16 to 19 WeekS2.5kg50kg446
Pullet Grower/Developer Conc.40%:60% (2 bags maize, 3 bags conc)50kg424
Layer 17 (above 80% prod).Mash20 Weeks to End100 - 125gr/ bird/day50kg459
Layer Concentrate Phase 1 Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg438
Pig Creep/Starter Mash50kg472
Pig Creep/Starter PelletsPellets50kg474
Pig Grower Mash83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg455
Pig Grower Pellets83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg457
Lactating Sow Mash2.5kg post farrow to 7kg/sow max.50kg456
Dry Sow & Boar Mash2.5kg per day per dry sow and boar50kg434
Pig Gower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg519
Lactating Sow & Boar Concentrate 40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg502
Calf Starter Mash50kg408
Calf Starter Pellets50kg410
Dairy 19 Mash (500gms per litre milk)50kg386
Dairy 19 Pellets(500gms per litre milk)50kg388
Dairy Concentrate Mash(50kg Conc,30kg Wheat Bran, 20kg Maize Bran)50kg460
FishFish Start to End Weight (grams)Feed per Fish(gr)
Namfeeds Fish Fry Mash 48%CP0 - 0.350.310kg 246
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 1 48%CP0.35 - 2.5210kg 246
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 2 48%CP2.5 - 10710kg 246
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 3 48%CP10 to 251225kg 605
Namfeeds Fish Grower 2.0mm 35%CP25 to 602525kg 430
Namfeeds Fish Grower 3.0mm 32%CP60 to 20020025kg 407
Namfeeds Fish Grower 4.5mm 30%CP200 to 40027525kg 407
Namfeeds Fish Brood 4.5mm 35%CP200 onwards(feed twice daily)25kg 471
Green PondDaily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Namfeeds Pond 2.0mm 25% CP4.4 to 4.125kg 376
Namfeeds Pond 3.0mm 25% CP4.1 to 3.525kg 374
Namfeeds Pond 4.5mm 25% CP3.5 to 1.925kg 369
CatfishFish Start to End Weight (grams)Daily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Catfish Grower 2.0mm 40% CP10 to 505.025kg 554
Catfish Grower 3.0mm 40% CP50 to 2504.025kg 487
Catfish Grower 4.5mm 35% CP250 to 1000+3.0 to 1.225kg 445
CrocodileMixing mash% with water%Weekly feed rate as % of bodywgt/week
Namfeeds Croc PreStart Crumb 52%CP70% mash with 75% water (3 times/day)25 to 3025kg 630
Namfeeds Croc Starter Mash 45%CP40 with 60 (2-3 times/day)25 to 2525kg 564
Namfeeds Croc Grower Mash 42%CP60 with 80 (1-2 times/day)12 to 1625kg 540
Namfeeds Croc Finisher mash 40%CP60 with 80 (1 times /day)12 to 1625kg 542
Disinfectants & Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional Supplements BIMEDADirections for usePrice (K)
Aminovital 1 LitrePoultry tonic - Vitamins, Amino Acids,Minerals 341
Aminovital 250ml* 1 Teaspoon (4ml) per 20 litres water.5-10 days 101
Aminovital 120ml*See directions for use on pack 51
Nutravit 100gr 51
Bimeda Chick Formula 120gr*See directions for use on pack 51
Disinfectants BIMEDA
Bimakleen 250mlSurface, dip,aerial spray,drinking water 91
Bimakleen 500mldisinfectant - Viral Kill 166
Bimakleen 1 Litre*See directions for use on pack 251
2312 2
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles01 to 13 days0.6kg per bird50kg666
Special Broiler Grower Pellets14 to 27 days1.25kg per bird50kg631
Special Broiler Finisher Pellets28 days to slaughter1.25kg per bird50kg621
Special Broiler Grower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg612
Special Broiler Finisher Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg575
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles 0 to 3 Weeks0.5kg50kg666
Pullet Starter Mash4 to 8 Weeks1.5kg50kg586
Pullet Grower Mash9 to 15 Weeks2.5kg50kg561
Pullet Developer / Prelay Mash16 to 19 WeekS2.5kg50kg521
Pullet Grower/Developer Conc.40%:60% (2 bags maize, 3 bags conc)50kg500
Layer 17 (above 80% prod).Mash20 Weeks to End100 - 125gr/ bird/day50kg531
Layer Concentrate Phase 1 Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg494
Pig Creep/Starter Mash50kg526
Pig Creep/Starter PelletsPellets50kg531
Pig Grower Mash83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg516
Pig Grower Pellets83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg518
Lactating Sow Mash2.5kg post farrow to 7kg/sow max.50kg516
Dry Sow & Boar Mash2.5kg per day per dry sow and boar50kg511
Pig Gower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg555
Lactating Sow & Boar Concentrate 40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg542
Calf Starter Mash50kg466
Calf Starter Pellets50kg468
Dairy 19 Mash (500gms per litre milk)50kg451
Dairy 19 Pellets(500gms per litre milk)50kg453
Dairy Concentrate Mash(50kg Conc,30kg Wheat Bran, 20kg Maize Bran)50kg519
FishFish Start to End Weight (grams)Feed per Fish(gr)
Namfeeds Fish Fry Mash 48%CP0 - 0.350.310kg 317
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 1 48%CP0.35 - 2.5210kg 317
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 2 48%CP2.5 - 10710kg 317
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 3 48%CP10 to 251225kg 770
Namfeeds Fish Grower 2.0mm 35%CP25 to 602525kg 528
Namfeeds Fish Grower 3.0mm 32%CP60 to 20020025kg 478
Namfeeds Fish Grower 4.5mm 30%CP200 to 40027525kg 478
Namfeeds Fish Brood 4.5mm 35%CP200 onwards(feed twice daily)25kg 593
Green PondDaily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Namfeeds Pond 2.0mm 25% CP4.4 to 4.125kg 430
Namfeeds Pond 3.0mm 25% CP4.1 to 3.525kg 428
Namfeeds Pond 4.5mm 25% CP3.5 to 1.925kg 423
CatfishFish Start to End Weight (grams)Daily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Catfish Grower 2.0mm 40% CP10 to 505.025kg 673
Catfish Grower 3.0mm 40% CP50 to 2504.025kg 540
Catfish Grower 4.5mm 35% CP250 to 1000+3.0 to 1.225kg 486
CrocodileMixing mash% with water%Weekly feed rate as % of bodywgt/week
Namfeeds Croc PreStart Crumb 52%CP70% mash with 75% water (3 times/day)25 to 3025kg 714
Namfeeds Croc Starter Mash 45%CP40 with 60 (2-3 times/day)25 to 2525kg 628
Namfeeds Croc Grower Mash 42%CP60 with 80 (1-2 times/day)12 to 1625kg 598
Namfeeds Croc Finisher mash 40%CP60 with 80 (1 times /day)12 to 1625kg 589
Disinfectants & Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional Supplements BIMEDADirections for usePrice (K)
Aminovital 1 LitrePoultry tonic - Vitamins, Amino Acids,Minerals 342
Aminovital 250ml* 1 Teaspoon (4ml) per 20 litres water.5-10 days 102
Aminovital 120ml*See directions for use on pack 52
Nutravit 100gr 52
Bimeda Chick Formula 120gr*See directions for use on pack 52
Disinfectants BIMEDA
Bimakleen 250mlSurface, dip,aerial spray,drinking water 92
Bimakleen 500mldisinfectant - Viral Kill 167
Bimakleen 1 Litre*See directions for use on pack 252
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles01 to 13 days0.6kg per bird50kg557
Special Broiler Grower Pellets14 to 27 days1.25kg per bird50kg551
Special Broiler Finisher Pellets28 days to slaughter1.25kg per bird50kg543
Special Broiler Grower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg579
Special Broiler Finisher Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg549
Special Broiler Starter Crumbles 0 to 3 Weeks0.5kg50kg557
Pullet Starter Mash4 to 8 Weeks1.5kg50kg530
Pullet Grower Mash9 to 15 Weeks2.5kg50kg500
Pullet Developer / Prelay Mash16 to 19 WeekS2.5kg50kg464
Pullet Grower/Developer Conc.40%:60% (2 bags maize, 3 bags conc)50kg442
Layer 17 (above 80% prod).Mash20 Weeks to End100 - 125gr/ bird/day50kg477
Layer Concentrate Phase 1 Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg456
Pig Creep/Starter Mash50kg490
Pig Creep/Starter PelletsPellets50kg492
Pig Grower Mash83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg473
Pig Grower Pellets83 Days - Slaughter2.5kg/pig/day50kg475
Lactating Sow Mash2.5kg post farrow to 7kg/sow max.50kg474
Dry Sow & Boar Mash2.5kg per day per dry sow and boar50kg452
Pig Gower Concentrate Mash40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg537
Lactating Sow & Boar Concentrate 40%:60% (2 bags conc, 3 bags maize)50kg520
Calf Starter Mash50kg426
Calf Starter Pellets50kg428
Dairy 19 Mash (500gms per litre milk)50kg404
Dairy 19 Pellets(500gms per litre milk)50kg406
Dairy Concentrate Mash(50kg Conc,30kg Wheat Bran, 20kg Maize Bran)50kg478
FishFish Start to End Weight (grams)Feed per Fish(gr)
Namfeeds Fish Fry Mash 48%CP0 - 0.350.310kg 255
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 1 48%CP0.35 - 2.5210kg 255
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 2 48%CP2.5 - 10710kg 255
Namfeeds Fish Crumble 3 48%CP10 to 251225kg 614
Namfeeds Fish Grower 2.0mm 35%CP25 to 602525kg 439
Namfeeds Fish Grower 3.0mm 32%CP60 to 20020025kg 416
Namfeeds Fish Grower 4.5mm 30%CP200 to 40027525kg 416
Namfeeds Fish Brood 4.5mm 35%CP200 onwards(feed twice daily)25kg 480
Green PondDaily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Namfeeds Pond 2.0mm 25% CP4.4 to 4.125kg 385
Namfeeds Pond 3.0mm 25% CP4.1 to 3.525kg 383
Namfeeds Pond 4.5mm 25% CP3.5 to 1.925kg 378
CatfishFish Start to End Weight (grams)Daily Feed as % of Bodywgt
Catfish Grower 2.0mm 40% CP10 to 505.025kg 563
Catfish Grower 3.0mm 40% CP50 to 2504.025kg 496
Catfish Grower 4.5mm 35% CP250 to 1000+3.0 to 1.225kg 454
CrocodileMixing mash% with water%Weekly feed rate as % of bodywgt/week
Namfeeds Croc PreStart Crumb 52%CP70% mash with 75% water (3 times/day)25 to 3025kg 639
Namfeeds Croc Starter Mash 45%CP40 with 60 (2-3 times/day)25 to 2525kg 573
Namfeeds Croc Grower Mash 42%CP60 with 80 (1-2 times/day)12 to 1625kg 549
Namfeeds Croc Finisher mash 40%CP60 with 80 (1 times /day)12 to 1625kg 551
Disinfectants & Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional Supplements BIMEDADirections for usePrice (K)
Aminovital 1 LitrePoultry tonic - Vitamins, Amino Acids,Minerals 342
Aminovital 250ml* 1 Teaspoon (4ml) per 20 litres water.5-10 days 102
Aminovital 120ml*See directions for use on pack 52
Nutravit 100gr 52
Bimeda Chick Formula 120gr*See directions for use on pack 52
Disinfectants BIMEDA
Bimakleen 250mlSurface, dip,aerial spray,drinking water 92
Bimakleen 500mldisinfectant - Viral Kill 167
Bimakleen 1 Litre*See directions for use on pack 252

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Our products range from chickens to cows, pigs, and fish, Namfeed offers nutrition that nurtures success.